Terms and Conditions

Company responsible for the online store at vasco-electronics.co.uk (hereinafter the "Store" or “Online Store”) is Vasco Electronics Góralski Group S.K.A., al. 29 Listopada 20, 31-401 Kraków, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Kraków Śródmieście in Kraków, under number 0000421705, REGON: 122581850, NIP: 6772369151, contact telephone number: +48 (12) 3451999 email address contact@vasco-electronics.co.uk.


  • CONTACT FORM AND CHAT – the form and chat available in the Online Store that enables contact with the Seller via the Online Store website.
  • REGISTRATION FORM - a form available in the Online Store that allows you to create a Customer Account.
  • NEWSLETTER FORM - a form available in the Online Store that allows you to subscribe to the newsletter provided by the Seller.
  • OPINION FORM - a form available in the Online Store or provided by our business partners that allows you to post opinions about the Seller's Products.
  • ORDER FORM - a form available in the Online Store that allows you to place an Order.
  • CUSTOMER - an entity for which electronic services can be provided or who intends to conclude or already concluded a Contract with the Seller.
  • CONSUMER - a person performing a legal transaction not directly related to his business or professional activity.
  • CUSTOMER ACCOUNT - marked with an individual name (login) and password provided by the customer, a database containing customer data used, among others to supervise the orders placed, billing data and preferences regarding selected functionalities of the Store.
  • ENTREPRENEUR - an entrepreneur is a person, legal person or an organization to which a separate act grants legal capacity, carrying out economic activity.
  • TERMS & CONDITIONS - these Terms & Conditions covering the terms of use of the Online Store as part of the provision of electronic services and general conditions of sale between the Customer and the Seller running the Online Store.
  • SIM CARD OPERATOR - means the entity that supplies SIM cards to the devices and is directly responsible for the quality of services provided in this regard, including for the activation of the penalty, correct operation of the card, introduction of temporary or permanent blocks, consideration of complaints regarding the correct operation of SIM cards. The operator of Sim Card is Vasco Electronics LLC with headquarters at 2232 Dell Range Blvd, Suite 245 - 3030, Cheyenne, WY 82009.
  • STORE - the Seller's online store available at vasco-electronics.co.uk. The online store sells electronic translators, translation software and electronic accessories.
  • SELLER - Vasco Electronics Góralski Group S.K.A., al. 29 Listopada 20, 31-401 Kraków, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Kraków Śródmieście in Kraków, under number 0000421705, Tax ID number (NIP): PL 6772369151, email address contact@vasco-electronics.co.uk.
  • PRODUCTS - an item presented in the Online Store that may be the subject of a sales contract between the Customer and the Seller. The Products sold in the Store are also digital content (language packs) and Products with digital elements as defined in Directive (EU) 2019/771 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019.
  • SALES CONTRACT - means a sale made on the terms set out in the Terms & Conditions and applicable law, between the Customer and the Seller.
  • SUBMISSION OF AN ORDER - means the submission by the Customer of an offer to Conclude a Sales Agreement for the Products being the subject of the order, specifying in particular the type and quantity of the Products. The order may be placed after accepting these Terms & Conditions.
  • CONCLUSION OF THE SALE CONTRACT - declaration of will constituting the conclusion of the contract for the sale of the Products between the Customer and the Seller, specifying in particular the price, type and number of the Products. The sales contract is concluded by confirming the receipt of the Order by the Seller and sending an e-mail with the indication that the Order has been accepted for execution (i.e. acceptance of the offer submitted by the Customer).
    1. Conditions for the provision of services by electronic means
      1. The following regulations implement the principles expressed in DIRECTIVE 2000/31 / EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (Directive on electronic commerce).
      2. Electronic services provided by the Seller are free, voluntary and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
      3. The contract for the provision of electronic services consisting in:
        1. maintaining an user account in the Online Store;
        2. sending the newsletter;

        is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
      4. The contract for the provision of electronic services consisting in:
        1. providing the process of placing an Order in the Online Store;
        2. providing the communication process via the Contact Form and chat;
        3. providing the Form for posting opinions about the Store or Products;

        is a one-time activity and expires upon the performance of individual activities.
      5. The Seller reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend the provision of individual services provided electronically.
      6. Acceptance of these Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy is a condition for concluding a contract for the provision of electronic services. Acceptance of the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy should be confirmed by checking the appropriate check-box placed in the process of concluding contracts for the provision of electronic services.
      7. In order to create an Account in the Online Store, the Customer must register via the Registration Form available on the Online Store website. To register an Account, it is necessary to provide basic contact details and an e-mail address, failure to do so results in the refusal to provide the service by electronic means. After approving the Registration Form, the Customer is informed about the creation of an account to the e-mail address provided by him, at which point his Account will be created. This moment is the conclusion of a contract for the provision of electronic services, consisting in maintaining an Account in the Online Store. The creation and use of an Account is optional, voluntary and free.
      8. For customers who created an Account in the Online Store, the Seller may sell Products as part of various sales campaigns limited in time and quantity. Both the quantity of available Products and the duration are given individually for each campaign.
      9. The service of sending the newsletter consists in sending to the Customer's email address, a message containing information about the Products or services of the Seller. The newsletter is sent only to customers who have subscribed voluntarily. The contract for the provision of electronic services consisting in sending a newsletter may be concluded by any customer who enters his e-mail address in the newsletter registration form available on the Online Store website. The conclusion of the contract in the above-mentioned scope is conditional upon the consent of the Customer to provide him with the newsletter. Acceptance is made by checking the appropriate check-box placed when subscribing or taking another equivalent action by the Customer indicating the willingness to subscribe to the newsletter. When the Customer subscribes to the newsletter, a contract for the provision of electronic services is concluded, consisting in sending the newsletter. The Customer may unsubscribe at any time by unsubscribing via the link in each message containing the newsletter or by contacting us at contact@vasco-electronics.co.uk.
      10. After selecting the Products and adding them to the "Cart", the Customer proceeds to place the Order. The Order Form should be completed with contact details and email address. After the approval of the Order Form, the Customer is informed about the acceptance of the order for execution to the e-mail address provided by him, and at this point a contract for the provision of electronic services is concluded, consisting in the possibility of placing an Order in the Online Store. At the same time, placing an Order constitutes the submission by the Customer to the Seller of an offer to conclude a contract for the sale of the Products being the subject of the order.
      11. The Seller provides a Contact Form and / or a chat on the Online Store website. The customer may use the contact form and / or chat to send a message to the Seller. The use of the Contact Form requires basic contact details and an e-mail address. After the Contact Form is approved or the first message is sent via chat, an electronic service contract is concluded, consisting in enabling the communication process via the Contact Form and / or chat.
      12. The Seller provides an opinion form on the subpages of the Products available in the Online Store. The Seller may also send the Opinion Posting Form in the form of a link directing to the external websites. The customer fills in the form for posting opinions about the content of the individual and subjective opinion about the Seller's Products. By approving the content of the opinion, the Customer confirms that the opinion was based on his individual experience resulting from the use of the Products. By posting the content of the opinion, the Customer disseminates its content voluntarily and bears all the consequences of such disclosure. The posted content does not express the views of the Seller and should not be equated with its activities. The seller is not a content provider, but only an entity that provides adequate ICT resources for this purpose. The contract for the provision of electronic services consisting in enabling the posting of opinions is concluded when the Customer approves the content entered in the Form for posting an opinion.
      13. The Seller is entitled to block the Customer's access to services provided electronically, if the Customer acts to the detriment of the Seller or other Customers, violates the Seller's Products name, violates the Products image of the Online Store brand, violates the law or the provisions of the Terms & Conditions, and when blocking access services provided electronically is justified by security reasons.
    2. The technical requirements necessary for cooperation with the ICT system used by the Seller
      1. Seller will make an effort to ensure that the use of the Online Store is possible using all popular web browsers, operating systems (including mobile) and regardless of the Internet connection method.
      2. In order to create an Account and place an Order in the Online Store and in order to use other services provided electronically by the Seller, it is necessary for the Customer to have an active email account.
      3. The use of digital content requires the possession of devices sold by the Seller or the use of services provided electronically by the Seller. The Seller does not guarantee the proper operation of digital content except for devices and / or services provided electronically by the Seller.
    3. Methods and technical measures for detecting and correcting errors in the entered data
      1. When placing the Order and until the button "Order and pay" is pressed, the Customer has the option of modifying the entered data and modifying the selected Products. Verification, error removal or correction of the Order can also be made by contacting Seller in the ways indicated in the “Contact” tab.
      2. After placing the Order to the e-mail address provided in the Order, a confirmation of receipt of the Order will be sent along with a summary of the Order. In the event of the intention to correct an error, the Customer has the right to correct the Order within 12 hours of its submission.
    4. Conditions for terminating the contract for the provision of electronic services
      1. The Customer may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services by sending an appropriate statement to the Seller: contact@vasco-electronics.co.uk or by taking equivalent action (e.g. opt-out link).
      2. Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services with immediate effect when The Customer provides unlawful content or content that violates the provisions of these Terms & Conditions.
    5. Complaints regarding the provision of electronic services
      1. The Seller takes the actions necessary for the proper and fully correct operation of the Online Store to the extent that results from the current technical knowledge and undertakes to remove any irregularities reported by the Customers. Complaints related to the provision of electronic services via the Online Store may be submitted by the Customer by sending an email to the following e-mail address: contact@vasco-electronics.co.uk or using the Contact Form and chat.
      2. Seller will respond to the complaint immediately, no later than within 14 days. The response to the complaint is sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer.
  2. SALE
    1. Conditions for concluding a sales contract
      1. The prices of the Products shown on the Online Store website are given in GBP. Importing goods may result in customs duties and of other tax obligations.
      2. The prices do not include shipping costs, which are shown when placing the Order and additionally confirmed in the order summary.
      3. Orders can be placed via the Online Store using the Order Form, by phone and at the email address indicated in the “Contact” tab.
      4. After reading and accepting the Order, Seller confirms its reception. Reception is confirmed by sending an email with the indication that the Order has been accepted for execution and has the "Confirmed" status. The confirmation contains all the essential elements of the order (a list of the Products with their names, prices and customer data).
      5. As soon as the Customer receives an email confirming the acceptance of the Order for execution, a Sales Contract is concluded between the Customer and the Seller, which is valid until the fulfilling of the lawful obligations by each of the parties - not excluding the provisions and rules regarding withdrawal from the contract and liability for defects (warranty).
      6. The validity period of the placed order is 14 days. If during this time the Customer does not pick up the order, does not pay for it, does not receive a positive credit decision or the Store will not be able to contact the Customer to complete the order - the Store will cancel the order.
      7. The ownership of the purchased Products is transferred to the Customer when the entire transaction price is credited to the Seller's account (the price of the Products together with any shipping costs and other services offered by the Seller).
      8. Entrepreneurs wishing to receive a VAT invoice for the order are required to provide data enabling its issuing, in particular the tax identification number.
      9. After the sale is finished, the seller may conduct satisfaction surveys with the handling of the sales process. For this purpose, the Seller may provide the Customer with a form for posting opinions about the store or a satisfaction survey. The form may be created by the Seller or external service providers. The client formulates an opinion on individual and subjective content. By posting the content of the opinion, the Customer disseminates its content voluntarily and bears all the consequences of such disclosure. The posted content does not express the views of the Seller. The Seller reserves the right to report violations on the website publishing reviews or remove an Opinion if it:
        1. contains advertising content or other commercial content;
        2. contains links to other websites, websites belonging to the Seller, in particular competitive online stores or websites that violate the law;
        3. contains personal data, contact details, e-mail addresses, etc., which cannot be legally disclosed to the public;
        4. violates patent, copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights;
        5. contains content commonly considered as vulgar, offending others, promoting violence, offending religious feelings or Products manners;
        6. contains content that is detrimental to the Seller or other Customers, violates the Seller's Products name, violates the Products image of the Online Store brand, violates the provisions of these Terms & Conditions;
        7. is a copy of the opinion of all or part of other Customers, the manufacturer or contains fragments of content from various sources.
      10. If the Customer or another third party considers that the content of the published opinion violates their rights, decency, personal rights, morality, beliefs, feelings, the principles of fair competition, know-how, trade secret, it shall immediately notify the Seller of the potential violation. The seller, notified of a potential violation, takes immediate steps to remove the infringing content.
    2. Delivery methods
      1. Delivery of the Products takes place by courier or through another postal operator. Detailed information on deliveries is available on the store's subpage “Delivery”.
      2. The customer selects the delivery method when placing the Order.
      3. Delivery costs are indicated when placing the Order. They depend on the type of Products and the method of delivery chosen by the customer.
      4. If the Customer chooses the method of payment by bank transfer or electronic payment, the order processing time is counted from the moment the payment is credited to the Seller's bank account or the settlement account of payment intermediaries until the Products are completed and shipped.
      5. If the Customer chooses the "cash on delivery" payment method, the order fulfillment time is counted from the conclusion of the sales contract in accordance with the terms of these Terms & Conditions until the completion and shipment of the Products.
      6. The seller reserves the right to exclude or change individual forms of payment and delivery of Products.
      7. The date of delivery of the Products depends on the method of delivery chosen by the Customer and is counted from the moment the Products are handed over to the courier company.
      8. After delivering the parcel to its destination, the Customer should check the condition of the parcel before collecting it from the carrier. The carrier is obliged to immediately establish the condition of the shipment and the circumstances of the damage by means of a protocol.
    3. Payment methods
      1. The seller provides payment methods that are indicated in the “Delivery”.
      2. The Seller reserves that the above-mentioned forms of payment may be modified, periodically disabled or exchanged for others.
      3. Complaints arising from non-performance or improper performance of payment services should be directed to the appropriate payment intermediary in accordance with the Terms & Conditions for the provision of electronic payment services of a given settlement agent.
      4. In the event of the Customer's failure to pay the payment by the deadline indicated in the course of placing the Order, the Seller may set an additional deadline for making the payment. The Seller may also withdraw from the Sales Agreement due to its non-payment after the payment deadline. The declaration of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement on that basis will be sent to the Customer via e-mail.
      5. The Customer agrees on sending the receipt, invoice or other legal proof of purchase by electronic means of communication.
    4. Stationary sales
      1. The sale of Products may also be carried out at stationary points.
      2. The stationary point offers the possibility of making a purchase in one of the following modes:
        1. Products available on site - this mode allows you to purchase Products available in the warehouse or at the Store's display.
        2. Products available on order - this mode allows you to purchase Products that are not available in the warehouse, when they must be imported from the Manufacturer or when the Products are to be made according to the Customer's specification. The execution of the order depends on the type of the ordered Products and is each time agreed with the Customer.
      3. The customer in the store can make a payment by card, cash or via a gift card. However, the seller reserves the right to temporarily or permanently exclude individual forms of payment in the case of stationary sales.
      4. The sales document will be issued for the items purchased by the Customer in the Store. If the Customer wishes to obtain an invoice, the Customer is obliged to provide the tax identification number. The sales document will be provided to the Customer at the time of purchase or it will be attached to the shipment containing the Products purchased by the Customer.
      5. The provisions regarding withdrawal from the contract and the warranty shall apply accordingly.
    5. Right to withdraw from the contract
      1. Consumers who have concluded a sales contract may withdraw from it without giving a reason by submitting an appropriate statement within 14 days.
      2. The deadline to withdraw from the Contract of Sale expires after 14 days from the day on which the Customer acquires, or a third party other than the carrier, possession of the Products. However, when the contract concerns the provision of services, the deadline for withdrawing from it expires after 14 days from the date of readiness for the commencement of the provision of the service. If the Customer has consented to the immediate commencement of the provision of the service, the right to withdraw shall expire on the date of the service (eg. delivery of digital content).
      3. To exercise the right to withdraw from the contract, the Consumer must inform the Seller about his decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement to the Seller's email address contact@vasco-electronics.co.uk or using the withdrawal form available on the Seller's website.
      4. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Seller returns to the Consumer all received payments along with the costs of the basic delivery method (if free shipping is available, the cost of delivery is not refundable). The return shall be made immediately, and in any case not later than 14 days from the date on which the Consumer informed the Seller about the decision to exercise the right to withdraw from this contract, subject to the provisions contained in paragraph 6 below.
      5. The reimbursement will be made using the same payment methods that were used by the Consumer in the original transaction, unless the Consumer agreed to a different solution.
      6. The Seller reserves the right to withhold the reimbursement until receipt of the Products.
      7. The purchased Products should be returned to the address provided by the Seller.
      8. The consumer bears the costs of returning the items to the Seller.
      9. The right to withdraw from the contract by the Consumer is excluded if the subject of sale is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the consumer's specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs.
      10. In each case of withdrawal from the contract and return of the Products, the Customer is obliged to attach original set of sales documents (eg receipt, invoice).
      11. If the received product has damage caused beyond the control of the Customer, it must be confirmed with a damage report. This protocol should be drawn up upon receipt (if the package is damaged - open damage) or within the next 7 days from the date of receipt (if the package is not damaged - hidden damage). At the same time, the Customer should inform the store about this fact by e-mail to (contact@vasco-electronics.co.uk), and attach the damage report to the documents related to the withdrawal.
      12. The returned Products must be complete, must not bear traces of use, and should have the original, undamaged manufacturer's packaging. The original sales document and the completed and signed product return form must be attached to the returned Products. The buyer is obliged to properly secure the returned Products so as to prevent their damage in transport. If the delivered Products are incomplete or have traces of use that go beyond the ordinary management of the item, the Seller reserves the right to claim damages from the Customer, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
    6. Warranty
      1. Seller is obliged to provide the Consumer with an item free from physical or legal defects.
      2. The general provisions of the law on warranty apply to the terms and rights of the Consumer and the Seller.
      3. The Seller is released from liability under the warranty if the product complies with the sale contract. In particular, if its description, type, quantity, completeness and functionality are consistent with the description on the Seller's website.
      4. The consumer may not exercise the right to withdraw from the contract under the warranty if the non-compliance of the Products with the contract is irrelevant (e.g. slight color differences).
      5. Complaint may not cover slight differences in the external appearance of the Products resulting from settings of the Consumer's screen, lighting conditions or other common misleadings connected with the use of the Internet to make purchases.
      6. The Complaint should include: the consumer's name and surname, the type of non-compliance found and a description of what it consists of, a photo of the Products complained about, if possible, and a relevant request to bring the products to the condition compliant with the contract. The notification should be made by sending an email to the address contact@vasco-electronics.co.uk.
      7. The Seller will respond to the Consumer's complaint without undue delay and without undue inconvenience to the consumer.
      8. After considering the complaint (both positive and negative), the Seller returns the Products at his own expense directly to the Consumer. If the Product is not collected by the Consumer and is returned to the Seller's seat, the Seller shall contact the Consumer by phone or at the e-mail address provided in the complaint, informing him about the possibility of re-sending at the Consumer's expense. The consumer has 30 days to collect the returned Products or submit a re-shipment statement. After this deadline is exceeded, the returned Products are sent to the Seller's logistic facility, which is entitled to charge the Consumer's storage costs, and in the absence of storage space for disposal of the Products at the Consumer's expense and risk. In the event of disposal, the Seller shall refund the purchase price to the Consumer, deducting the cost of storage and disposal.
      9. The SIM Card Operator is responsible for the operation of the SIM cards in the device, including the correct activation of the SIM card, the correct operation of the card, the introduction of temporary or permanent locks, and the data transmission.
    7. Manufacturer's Guarantee
      1. All products available in the Store are covered by a 24-month manufacturer's guarantee. The content and terms of the guarantee are available -> HERE.
      2. The guarantee does not apply in the case of damage caused by improper use, maintenance inconsistent with the operating instructions or wear. The guarantee also does not cover damage caused by flooding, crushing, falling, electrical surges and fire.
    1. Personal Data
      1. The administrator of the Customers' personal data is the Seller.
      2. The Customer's personal data is processed by the Seller to the extent necessary to perform the order and provide services by electronic means, i.e. to establish, shape the content, change or terminate the legal relationship between the Customer and the Seller.
      3. The Customer before placing an order should read the content of these Terms & Conditions. When placing an Order, the Customer will be asked to accept the provisions of these Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy via the checkbox functionality provided.
      4. The Seller ensures that the Customers' personal data is properly secured, and that the Order and Registration Forms used to send this information are protected by the SSL security protocol, as a result of which the data transmission process is encrypted.
      5. When processing personal data, the Seller protects the personal data of Customers against their acquisition and modification by unauthorized persons.
      6. The Customer has the right to access his personal data and the right to correct them.
      7. Detailed regulations regarding the Privacy Policy are available on the website of the Seller's store.
    2. Copyrights

      All of the graphics, photos, content and descriptions of the Products presented on the Online Store are the property of the Seller and may not be modified, copied and distributed without the consent of the Seller.

    3. Miscellaneous
      1. Agreements concluded through the Online Store are concluded in accordance with Polish law. The provisions of Polish law should be applied in the broadest possible sense, unless mandatory provisions of local law do not allow for such a possibility.
      2. The content of the Terms & Conditions was first drawn up in Polish and then translated into other languages. In the event of interpretation disputes, the Polish version is of decisive importance.
      3. Any disputes arising between the Seller and the Customer will be first resolved amicably through mutual negotiations. In the absence of mutual agreement on disputes, the matter will be settled by the court of general jurisdiction.
      4. The Seller informs the Customer about the possibility of using out-of-court dispute resolution methods. In the field of Consumers' claims, detailed information and procedures are available from the locally competent consumer ombudsmen, in Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection or at: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
      5. The Seller reserves the right to change the provisions of these Terms & Conditions, while committing himself to publish a uniform text of the Terms & Conditions on the Online Store with an indication of the effective date of the changes, as well as by sending a note about the changes to the Customer's email address.
      6. Amendments to the Terms & Conditions apply to both the Seller and the Customer from the moment of publishing the changes on the Online Store. Amendments to the Terms & Conditions will not in any way infringe the rights of customers using the Online Store before the date of entry into force of the amendments, in particular, they will not affect the placed and / or implemented orders. Orders accepted for execution are subject to the Terms & Conditions in force at the time of placing the order.
      7. The wording and descriptions used to define the individual functionalities of the Online Store used in these regulations, including in particular the names and descriptions of buttons, pictograms and icons, may be changed to equivalent. Such a change does not constitute a change to these Terms & Conditions.
      8. The content of these Terms & Conditions is available on the website: https://vasco-electronics.co.uk/terms-and-conditions. The Terms & Conditions can be recorded, acquired and reproduced at any time by printing it, saving it on a suitable medium or downloading it in PDF format and saving it in the computer memory from the website.